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September 2023 UPDATE

We are delighted to announce that 

Inter-Club Competitions (known as 3-way Battles)

are taking place this year.

However, due to the hybrid format for session 2023 - 2024 only two Members Only competition evenings have been designated in the syllabus.  One will temporarily take the place of the points trophies, and the other will be the Helen McDonald Travel Award.  Please disregard the regular rules below and see syllabus for temporary ones.. 



Throughout the session, members submit entries for the Club Digital and Print Trophy Competitions.  The titles have either been chosen by our guest speakers or selected because they have a particular interest in the subject matter.

Currently members can submit up to 3 Digital and 2 Print images for each competition, and points are awarded for First, Second and Third in each category.  A single point is also awarded for every entry, to encourage members to take a wider range of photographs and improve their submissions.  Trophies are awarded at the end of the session to the member/s with the highest number of points in each category.  A copy of the full rules is available in pdf format - Below.

In addition, there is a special trophy awarded each year in memory of Helen McDonald, a much loved member of the Club who sadly passed away too soon.  Helen's love of adventure is reflected in this trophy being awarded for the best photograph in a special Travel-related competition. 

The Club also takes part in Inter-Club Competitions (known as 3-way Battles) throughout the year, competing against other local clubs and some members also submit images to larger competitions, such as the Borders Digital Challenge and the Borders Agri, the latter focussed primarily on rural life. 

Earlston Camera Club - Competition Rules

Updated for 2019

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